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3 Apr 2013

Natural remidies for Migrane

Most people who suffer from migraines have an inability to function at a normal level while a migraine is going on and often suffer from nausea and vomiting in addition to the pain. More than 30 million people in the US suffer from chronic migraines, and also suffer from sensitivity to light and sound.
lavender oil
A few remedies for migraines include feverfew or butterbur extract, which are better at preventing than treating, it takes a couple months to see a difference but many people do find relief from these natural anti-inflammatories. A hydrotherapy shower, which consists of water as hot as you can stand for 2 minutes, then as cold as you can stand for 2 minutes, alternating for 20 minutes, will increase blood flow and oxygenation while removing toxins. Working the acupressure point between thumb and first finger will give some relief as well.
Diet changes are critical, avoid food additives, allergens, and alcohol. Make sure you are sufficiently hydrated, for every other fluid you drink besides water, drink more water. Aromatherapy is helpful to most people, lavender and peppermint are most common, but eucalyptus, sandalwood, and basil can also be used.

Use and Abuse of Antibiotics

While most parents are happy to see their kids back in school, chances are they’re more likely to come home with more than just homework. Chances are they’ll be coming home more frequently with colds, flus and any other illnesses that might be “going around” school.

When our child is ill, we tend to want to do anything in our power to help them feel better. We want them to be able to resume their normal, day-to-day activities as quickly as possible. Often, we end up at an after-hours clinic or doctor’s office, hoping that a prescription for antibiotics might be the fastest and most effective way of dealing with the illness.

In fact, antibiotics are not always the best course of treatment. Firstly, it must be determined by a physician if an illness is a viral or bacterial infection. Common colds, flus and sore throats are examples of viral infections. In fact, 9 out of 10 sore throats are due to viral infections, while strep throat is due to a bacterial infection. A doctor must take into account symptoms and medical history when judging whether the infection is bacterial or viral. Bacteria that once responded well to antibiotics are now becoming increasingly resistant. Illnesses with a bacterial infection such as urinary tract infections, pneumonia, skin infections, some middle ear infections and meningitis are becoming harder to treat.

Chest Physiotherapy

  • Chest physiotherapy (CPT) is  a technique used to mobilize or loose secretions in the lungs and respiratory tract. 
  • This is especially helpful for patients with large amount of secretions or ineffective cough.
  • Chest physiotherapy consists of external mechanical maneuvers, such as chest percussion, postural drainage, vibration, to augment mobilization and clearance of airway secretions, diaphragmatic breathing with pursed-lips, coughing and controlled coughing.
Anatomy and physiology of respiratory system
  • Lungs are the main organs of the respiratory system.
  • The lungs are located inside the upper part of our chest on either side of the heart, and they are protected by the ribcage.
  • The breastbone (sternum) is at the center front of the chest, and the spine is at the center of the back of the chest.
  • The inside of the chest cavity and the outside of the lungs are covered by the pleura, a slippery membrane that allows the lungs to move smoothly as they fill up with and empty out air when we inhale and exhale.

1 Apr 2013

Thyrodectomy-5 Nursing Care Plans

 Thyroidectomy, although rare, may be performed for patients with thyroid cancer, hyperthyroidism, and drug reactions to antithyroid agents; pregnant women who cannot be managed with drugs; patients who do not want radiation therapy; and patients with large goiters who do not respond to antithyroid drugs. The two types of thyroidectomy include:
Total thyroidectomy: The gland is removed completely. Usually done in the case of malignancy. Thyroid replacement therapy is necessary for life.
Subtotal thyroidectomy: Up to five-sixths of the gland is removed when antithyroid drugs do not correct hyperthyroidism or RAI therapy is contraindicated.

5 Thyroidectomy Nursing Care Plan (NCP)

Acute Pain — Thyroidectomy Nursing Care Plan (NCP)
Ineffective Airway Clearance — Thyroidectomy Nursing Care Plan (NCP)
Impaired Verbal Communication — Thyroidectomy Nursing Care Plan (NCP)
Risk for Injury — Thyroidectomy Nursing Care Plan (NCP)
Knowledge Deficit — Thyroidectomy Nursing Care Plan (NCP)

Nursing Priorities
Reverse/manage hyperthyroid state preoperatively.

Prevent complications.
Relieve pain.
Provide information about surgical procedure, prognosis, and treatment needs.
Discharge Goals Complications prevented/minimized.
Pain alleviated.
Surgical procedure/prognosis and therapeutic regimen understood.
Plan in place to meet needs after discharge.

Vitamins and human Body

When you are diagnosed as vitamin deficient, is it enough to simply pop a multivitamin tablet?
The answer is no. In fact multivitamin pills — if taken without appropriate prescriptions — can be damaging in the long run. The best way to defeat the deficiency is through a change in your diet.  Looking for vitamin boosters? Well, here you go.
Support your immune system with… vitamin A:
Do you end up catching every flu and cold going around? If your immune system is bad, it can be due to insufficient level of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is a potent antioxidant that neutralises the damage made by free radicals and thus support the skin, retina, liver, intestines, bones and adrenal.
Diet: Sweet potatoes, spinach, green leafy vegetables, carrots and apricots.
Boost concentration with… vitamin B1:
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