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9 Nov 2013

Coronary Artery Disease Nursing Care Plans: Acute Pain

Coronary Artery Disease Nursing Care Plans

Acute Pain

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is caused by a narrowing of the arteries that supply the heart muscle with blood. When the arteries narrow, blood flow is reduced. The reduced blood flow causes the heart muscle to receive less oxygen than it needs to function properly. When ischemia occurs patients typically develop angina or chest pain originating from the heart. It has been described as chest pain or discomfort that has a squeezing or pressure-like quality, usually felt behind the breastbone (sternum), but sometimes felt in the shoulders, arms, neck, jaws, or back.

Objective data:
 The pt. May manifest:
ü  restlessness
ü  pain scale of 9/10
ü  chest pain
ü  irritability
ü  (+) guarded behavior
ü  (+) facial grimaces
ü  crying
ü  v/s change
ü  diaphoresis
ü  sleep disturbance
ü     increase RR and pulse          

Short Term:
o   After 3 hours of nursing Interventions (ni), the pt. Will verbalize understanding of pt’s condition and health teachings given to provide comfort and relieve of pain.
Long term
o    After 2 days of ni, the pt. Will demonstrate behavior of being relieved from pain and will be free from the complications of the condition.

v  Assess pt.’s condition.                                                                             
o    to have baseline data.
v  Monitor and record v/s.
o    to have baseline data and this are usually altered in the condition.
v  Assess pains location and intensity/severity arising with.
o    to have baseline data for planning and interventions.
v  Provide comfort measures like stretching of linens and assisting in position.
o    to provide non-pharmacological Pain management.
v  Provide diversional activities like having conversation w/ the pt.
o    to divert pt.’s attention.
v  Stress to pt the importance of providing adequate rest period to the pt.
o    to prevent fatigue.
v  Administer meds as ordered.
o    to reduce pain
Expected outcome
Ø  The pt.’s so will verbalize understanding of pt’s condition and health teachings given to provide comfort and relieve of pain and pt.

Ø  Will demonstrate behavior of being relieved from pain and will be free from the complications of the condition.
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